Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2014

1. In what ways are you like Guy Montag? In what ways are you different?

With the book you can understand how it is figuring out that your whole image of living and being is a Illusion of being happy and productive and i like the way how Montag comes to the point to see his world through completely other eyes and realize that he is just a corpse without soul and thoughts,
but he finds his voice cries out what he thinks in a world of emptiness and wait for answer.
Then he got finally after the flashback and finding all the hidden books his way to Faber and probability his long hopes. I like in this part of the book how he is clinging to hope.

Sometimes i feel like full with Information and happenings that i have to take a few hours to re-think everything and just relax, but in retrospect I could swear because of lost time.

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