4. What do you think is the meaning of the title of Part Two (“The Sieve and the Sand”)?
The concept of the sieve and the sand was that when he pours the sand into the Sieve fast enough, then it is perhaps fill in someday. This refers to the book, because the Sieve is symbolic for his mind and the sand is symbolic for the truth .
Freitag, 31. Oktober 2014
Fahrenheit 451 Part2 Q&A
3. How do you think Montag would respond to Mildred’s question about which is more important — her, or Montag’s books?
Fahrenheit 451 Part2 Q&A
2. Why do you think Faber gave Montag his name and phone number?
Faber give montag his name and number just in case montag go angry with him and to show that he is already to old to be fear of the system.
Faber give montag his name and number just in case montag go angry with him and to show that he is already to old to be fear of the system.
Fahrenheit 451 Part2 Q&A
1. What does Mildred say about why the television is better than books? What does she mean? Do you agree with her? Why or why not? What is the essential difference between books and television
Mildred says that books make her think too much. She means that it's simpler to watch something rather then reading.
I dont agree with Mildreds perspective because watching and reading makes no difference for myself.
Mildred says that books make her think too much. She means that it's simpler to watch something rather then reading.
I dont agree with Mildreds perspective because watching and reading makes no difference for myself.
Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2014
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 15.
I'm sure that Montag get into trouble after showing Mildreds friends the book and reading in the subway, because of Mildred or one of the side character .
The hound gonna attack Montag and try to kill him.
The hound gonna attack Montag and try to kill him.
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 14.
14. "One drop of rain. Clarisse. Another drop. Mildred. A third. The uncle. A fourth. The fire tonight...."
Bradbury's unusual writing style is in this part very clearly seen with short sets for each train of thought, all connected with a natural factor like a rain drop .
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 13.
"A great thunderstorm of sound gushed from the walls. Music bombarded him ... he felt like a man who had been thrown from a cliff, ... and never--quite--touched--bottom--never--never--quite--no not quite--touched--bottom..." (p.45)
I think you get the best Impression what the character is feeling in parts like this.
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 12.
My first foreshadowing from the first part is when montag comes home and finds his wife overdosed.
The second one is the Mechanical hound because it seems like his rule become more importend later and the third is the Ventilator grill which is a big cliffhanger.
The second one is the Mechanical hound because it seems like his rule become more importend later and the third is the Ventilator grill which is a big cliffhanger.
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 11.
I think a part of him or something in his life in the past always wanted to understand books thats why he hid all these books, but then Clarisse appears and helped him to remember what he once did and for which reason.
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 10.
Is Mildred happy? My idea is that she is happy because of fading everything out and the fear of reality. She takes pills as fast as possible to sleep and entertainment herself with watching tv, whatever, i think smart people search for reasons to dont be happy, to see clear and get through their life as best as possible and collect all this experient to understand the question at the end "why?".
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 9.
Beatty's explanation for the current state of their society is the fact that the great influence of trivial entertainment took over the whole life and left only angry, confused and sad people debating for nothing. He thinks the burning was salvation and key to a good society.
Fahrenheit 451 Quotes
1)“Are you happy?”
2)“I'll hold on to the world tight some day. I've got one finger on it now; that's a beginning.”
3)“It doesn't matter what you do...so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away.”
4) “There must be something in books, something we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.”
5)"Yes, and it might be a good idea. Before I hurt someone. Did you hear Beatty? Did you listen to him? He knows all the answers. He's right. Happiness is important. Fun is everything. And yet I kept sitting there saying to myself, I'm not happy, I'm not happy, I'm not happy"
6) “The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us.”
2)“I'll hold on to the world tight some day. I've got one finger on it now; that's a beginning.”
3)“It doesn't matter what you do...so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away.”
4) “There must be something in books, something we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.”
5)"Yes, and it might be a good idea. Before I hurt someone. Did you hear Beatty? Did you listen to him? He knows all the answers. He's right. Happiness is important. Fun is everything. And yet I kept sitting there saying to myself, I'm not happy, I'm not happy, I'm not happy"
6) “The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us.”
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 7.
After the last job as a firefighter with the accident and the dead woman Monday is traumatized and is found himself drowning in thoughts and emotions about the is happening event.
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 6.
The way how Montag finds out is shocking and disturbing, because of the way how Mildred mentions this information. It is just repulsive and like a "by the way" fact. Instead of showing emotions or dedication for the probably dead seventeen girl she returns to her conversation flow of unimportant Happenings.
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 5.
His point is the fact that the whole population in the future gonna communicate and spend all their time with the high technology of entertainment and neither estimate nor understand the reason to left their house to meet friends or enjoy the nature.
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 4.
The woman burned herself with her books, because she would rather die in flames than submit to pressure of the system. This treatment traumatized Montag's life forever and he cant get over it to question the logic of his job.
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 3.
I think the hound is programmed to perceive the changing of hormones in the air from the persons and solves per math etc if they have a rebellious part against the rules in their mind.
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 2.
She is unpopular among peers and disliked by teachers for asking "why" instead of "how" and focusing on nature rather than on technology. A few days after their first meeting, she disappears without any Explanation.
Montag was very open for her influence because of his love to see things from a different point of view.
Montag was very open for her influence because of his love to see things from a different point of view.
FAHRENHEIT 451 Q&A for 1.
Independent thinking is an absolute taboo in this society. The general view, it leads only to the people anti-social behavior and the whole society is out of balance. In order to avoid exactly this independent thinking, the company is maintained constantly. As the main enemy of society are books about novels, biographies and poetry, seen, as they cause emotions in man and can put him in a sad state. Books are therefore sought and burned by the "fireman".
My features in the world of the novel Fahrenheit 451 which lead to the state of negative view of society are
1.Independent thinking is considered dangerous because it leads to anti-social behavior and so destabilize the society thats why they made the order to take away all places for informal talks and conversation between the people, so that they dont have the freedom anymore to meet each other in a random way to talk about their life and share their feeling, kind of thoughts .
2.The company is held depends, anonymous and immature by the political system with dont giving the people the chance to understand texts by themselves or give the freedom to find the meaningful, with burning all books etc.
3.the use of straight rules and a hard punishment for outlaws afraid the people so much that they dont risk to try being different or they would rather die, than to bow to the pressure of the System.
1.Independent thinking is considered dangerous because it leads to anti-social behavior and so destabilize the society thats why they made the order to take away all places for informal talks and conversation between the people, so that they dont have the freedom anymore to meet each other in a random way to talk about their life and share their feeling, kind of thoughts .
2.The company is held depends, anonymous and immature by the political system with dont giving the people the chance to understand texts by themselves or give the freedom to find the meaningful, with burning all books etc.
3.the use of straight rules and a hard punishment for outlaws afraid the people so much that they dont risk to try being different or they would rather die, than to bow to the pressure of the System.
Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2014
3. Next week there is an election. Why don't more people care to research the issues/candidates and vote? Is this a sign that we're becoming more like Mildred and her friends?
As my perception is the todays politics way to messed up and confusing than it supposed to be. There are a lot of lies talken and many ulcers are not followed by the parties.
The most politics dont reach my attention because i watch only series on tv without news and advertising or surf in the internet like all the other people around my age where the politics could not catch up with and cant present their candidates to the most population.
At the end politics are everywhere mostly invisible for our eyes but it reigns over everything.
The most politics dont reach my attention because i watch only series on tv without news and advertising or surf in the internet like all the other people around my age where the politics could not catch up with and cant present their candidates to the most population.
At the end politics are everywhere mostly invisible for our eyes but it reigns over everything.
2. In your experience, who's happier-- people who read or people who don't? Why?
I heard from a lot of people that reading and the digress to another world is sometimes the best way to calm down and forget all your problems and thoughts for a moment, so that you have between all your busy life a spot of rest where you can come down from 180 to 0 again.
But sometimes it's just because someone feels drawn to perceive emotions such as anger, love, jealousy, fear and fun.
But sometimes it's just because someone feels drawn to perceive emotions such as anger, love, jealousy, fear and fun.
1. In what ways are you like Guy Montag? In what ways are you different?
With the book you can understand how it is figuring out that your whole image of living and being is a Illusion of being happy and productive and i like the way how Montag comes to the point to see his world through completely other eyes and realize that he is just a corpse without soul and thoughts,
but he finds his voice cries out what he thinks in a world of emptiness and wait for answer.
Then he got finally after the flashback and finding all the hidden books his way to Faber and probability his long hopes. I like in this part of the book how he is clinging to hope.
Sometimes i feel like full with Information and happenings that i have to take a few hours to re-think everything and just relax, but in retrospect I could swear because of lost time.
but he finds his voice cries out what he thinks in a world of emptiness and wait for answer.
Then he got finally after the flashback and finding all the hidden books his way to Faber and probability his long hopes. I like in this part of the book how he is clinging to hope.
Sometimes i feel like full with Information and happenings that i have to take a few hours to re-think everything and just relax, but in retrospect I could swear because of lost time.
Montag, 27. Oktober 2014
Vocabulary: fall list VI
pratfall a fall onto one's buttocks.
"he took a pratfall into the sand"
bewilderedly fassungslos
titillation Kitzel
theremin Theremin(Instrument)
tabloids Boulevardzeitung, Nachrichtenzeitung
centrifuge Zentrifuge
haltingly stockend
probing Sondieren
stagnant stehend
cacophony Kakophonie
Geben Sie Text oder eine Website-Adresse ein oder lassen Sie ein Dokument übersetzen.
Ausgangssprache: Türkisch
Geben Sie Text oder eine Website-Adresse ein oder lassen Sie ein Dokument übersetzen.
Ausgangssprache: Türkisch
(to page 70) Vocab List
overanxious übersorgt
syllables Silben
pedestal (von einem Denkmal) Sockel
anonymous anonym, unbekannt
shrieking aufschreien
computed verarbeited
theremin Instrument (hohe Töne)
queer sonderbar, selten
miraculous wunderbar, übernatürlich
incinerator Müllbrenner
syllables Silben
pedestal (von einem Denkmal) Sockel
anonymous anonym, unbekannt
shrieking aufschreien
computed verarbeited
theremin Instrument (hohe Töne)
queer sonderbar, selten
miraculous wunderbar, übernatürlich
incinerator Müllbrenner
Vocabulary: Fall List V
Vocabulary: Fall List V
adroit geschicktamicable freundschaftlich
averse etw. nicht abgeneigt sein
belligerent kampflustig
benevolent wohlwollend
cursory flüchtig
duplicity Doppelzüngigkeit
extol preisen, rühmen
feusible machbar, durchführbar
grimare Grimasse, Gesicht verziehen
holocaust Holocaust
impervious umzugänglich sein für, (Beleidigung, Schmeicheleien)
wasserdicht sein
impetus Schwung, Stoß
jeopardy in Gefahr sein
meticuloas sorgfältig
nostalgia nostagalisch
quintessence Inbegriff
retrogess go back to an ealier state
secrutinze genau untersuchen , mustern
tepid lauwarm, verhalten
Freitag, 17. Oktober 2014
Vocabulary: Fall List III
coherent Zusammenhaengend, es war schwer zu verstehen
belabor beabeiten, ueberhaeufen
eschew vermeiden, scheuen
acquisitive habgierig
emulate nacheifern, nachahmen
banal abgedroschen, banal
excoriation scratch, scrabe, abrasion
congeal erstareen, gerinnen lassen
carping Noergelei
substantiate begruenden
temporize ausweichen
largesse Grosszuegigkeit
insatiable haltbar, grundlos
reconnaissance unerlaettlich
germane zur Sache gehoerig
ramify sich verzweigen
intransigent umnachgiebig
taciturn wortwarg
Vocabulary: Fall List II
intercede sich einsetzen
hackneyed abgedroschen
approbation Zustimmung
innuendo Anspielung
coalition Koalition
elicit entlocken
hiatus Verzoegerung
assuage beschwichtigen
decadence Dekadenz
expostulate protestieren
simulate simulieren
jaded abgestumpft
umbrage Anstoss
prepogative Vorrecht
lurid grell
transcend transzendieren
provincial provinziell
petulant gereizt
unctuous salbungsvoll
meritorious verdienstlich
Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2014
Answers of the Question: Fahrenheit 451
What is the inciting incident of the story? If you're not sure, choose an event and explain why you think it qualifies.
The best inspirations for his story could be the book burning 1933 in nazi Germany and Austria; with a long black list of banned authors and themes who ideologies undermined the national socialist, because they wanted to hide their wrong intentions and leave the folk in ignorance.
In mine opinion is Montag no hero…,he lived his
life soulless attached with the job in routine,…until he meets the strange girl on the street and
something touched his soul gave him a push and he started to see, look around with his own thoughts.Until this moment he is on the way to get a hero.
Describe Bradbury's tone. What is his attitude toward the characters,
the topics, and the audience? How can
you tell?
His tone in the beginning is like the color grey, everything is strange, incomprehensible and unemotional, BUT then character comes into the story with Clarisse followed with the impact suicide try of morgans wife.
What is the significance of the salamander symbol
in Fahrenheit 451? If you don't know,
The salamander symbol in Fahrenheit 451 stands for the
fireman wearing it as badge on their
chest. The salamander symbol is recognized as the evil in the bible and is probably
used in the novel as comparison.
My impression is that he doesn’t talks to me in one
room, because he uses a lot of description whichtr are not up to date or you
normally don’t use while speaking with each other.
His story fascinates me because the art as he imagines
the character is unique.
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