Chapter 2
1. What work does the conditioning do? Who gets conditioned? How does hypnopaedia work?The 'Infant Nuseries, Neo-Pavloian Conditioning Rooms' are another aspect of the B. process which 'conditions' (trains) young borns to dislike or like specific objects like nature and books.
Hypnopaedic gets used by the government to avoid disagreement and differences between the classes.
2. Why condition the Deltas to hate nature but love outdoor sports?
As a result the lower castes now pay for transport and manufactured goods when they travel to the country for sport events.
3. How does time work in this book? History? Why does Ford say “History is Bunk?”
The time of this era is appearantly based on the experience during the first world war which affects the fantasy world being dark, unhuman and cold blooded. Technology is the 'religion' and Ford as one of the most famous inventor took the role of 'the main father of production' and time is based after his death.
4. What are the various castes like, and why?
5. How do the students demonstrate their own conditioning?
The different classes demostrate their conditioning with showing loyality for their class and therefore disrespect and treat all classes below them as lower castes.